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We Have Moved

Serosoft has a new address now!

We are excited to announce that our team has moved to a brand new headquarters. We spent the previous five years in a building less than a km away from our new location. Our old office served us well, and we made great memories there, but we couldn’t be more excited about new space.

While we were happy with our space, there were several motivating factors to make a move:

Space & Layout: When we first started into our last office, we were just a six member team. When we left,the space was getting tight. The new office has a lot more square footage, but more importantly it allowed us to rethink our layout. We were able to start from scratch by knocking down walls and putting up others that better fit our team and how we’re growing. Overall, we now have a more structured plan so we’re all working more systematically. Our new office is significantly larger with a total area of more than 10,000 Sq.Ft. and it gives our staff a greatly improved working environment, as well as room for continued expansion.

Location: What a difference a mile makes. Our new office is within immediate walking distance of the city’s biggest CENTRAL MALL, three restaurants, theaters, University and few coffee shops. The location lets our team take advantage of all the offerings of these facilities.

Privacy: As like our old office, we here too on the top floor of the building. While we really liked our there was little privacy with many of the facilities like car parking, elevators, roof top and canteen. Here we have all these features with an exclusive access, being the major stake holder on the floor.

It has been an exciting five years at Royal Estate Building, and we look at this new location as the start of another chapter in our exciting story. We’re still working on getting settled in, but we’re incredibly excited to be in the new space. If you’re in the area, feel free to walk-in and say hi!

Thanks for everyone’s support through the years and with the move. Also, we want to give a special shout out to our interior designing team, contractors, support staff and all those who did a phenomenal job for making it all fantastic.

Our new address is :

5th Floor Milinda’s Manor, 2 RNT Marg, Opposite Central Mall

Indore-452001, MP-India.

All our other contact information such as email and phone numbers stays the same. Please find a photo collection below.

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